
Creating an IMC Plan

For our final project in my Integrated Marketing Communications course, my team and I created a comprehensive marketing communications plan for a made-up brand called Mantra, a clean ingredient energy drink. Our goal was to strategically promote the brand in a competitive market. The key components of this assignment included creating a situational analysis, creating a SWOT analysis, identifying objectives, defining the target audience, developing marketing strategies/tactics, as well as presenting the implementation plan for our campaign.

Wine Routes

Content Writing

For this project, I was hired to write content for Wine Routes, a company that has crafted a highly integrated website for travel planning in wine country. Prior to writing the content, research was conducted related to keyword search volume in order to drive traffic to a lesser-known wine region by including them in an article that covers nearby and more popular (highly searched) regions. Other surrounding regions were excluded from this article because they also have a low search volume. The goal was to give the lesser-known region a lift by association. 

Ugly Bird Knits

Designing a Logo and Brand Name

Ugly Bird Knits, previously named Sage Collective, was looking to rebrand their hand-made knitwear small business. They wanted their new name and logo to reflect their goal to celebrate the unconventional. By sourcing their materials second-hand and crafting unique spunky pieces, they work to promote the reworking of textile waste and stand out in the world of fast fashion.

The thumbnail of the video, reading "A Taste of La Dolce Vita" with wine glasses about to cheers.

Sonoma County Cuisine

Video Editing

This is a short video I created from stock footage, highlighting Sonoma County cuisine. I aimed to highlight the similar terrain, climate, and feel that Sonoma County has to Northern Italy.